Hello my wonderful Beauty Holics!
I'm yet again back with some circle lens reviews for you guys
One is something you can wear on daily basis, and other one is something that is quite unique style which has been becoming a trend!
To start it off, I'd like to mention that currently UNIQSO is doing a promotion on what they like to call "2 Different Colored Eyes"
This promotion is inspired by "Heterochromia" which is a unique and rare eye condition where you have two different eye colors (i.e., one is blue and other is brown)
There are actually some Hollywood celebrities with this condition, such as Kate Bosworth and Mila Kunis.
If you've noticed from those two actress mentioned above, they are very gorgeous and gives that mysterious look to it.
And this promotion is trying to help you achieve that mysterious look that can be created by wearing two different colored circle lenses!
When I first put in order for this promotion, they were using EOS Fay series to achieve this look.
However, currently they are promoting new series called "Western Eyes Nada Peace"
So it may appear little different, but two series appears quite similar in design!
Diameter: 14.5 mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.8 mm
Usage: 1 Year
Price: 22.90 USD
EOS Fay series comes in 6 different colors:
Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Violet and Pink
When I first looked at this lens, I was slightly concerned that color was not gonna appear as much as I was hoping because pigmentation seemed slightly light for dark eyes, but I can assure you that thought will change as you look through my review!
Comfort: ★★★★★ / ★★★★★
Color: ★★★★★ / ★★★★★
Design: ★★★★★ / ★★★★★
Enlargement: ★★★★★ / ★★★★★
Comfort, Now EOS Fay series had slightly different base curve compare to the other ones that I use on daily bases (It is 8.8 instead of 8.6)
For some reason for me, it definitely fit my eyes lot better which made me think whether or not I'm wearing my lenses or not!!
I definitely loved how comfortable it felt without getting my eyes irritated!
Color, Despite my concern, this lens is very vibrant in color!
Initially because it looked opaque, I thought the colors of the lenses were not gonna appear much on my dark brown eyes.
But unlike what I was worried about, it actually brightened my eye color, and appeared very nicely on my eyes.
I definitely loved the way it appears!!
Design, Initially when I looked at this lens for some reason it reminded me of i.Fairy Jewel series, which is something that I've tried in the past and was not too satisfied with it
I think the reason why I didn't like the Jewel series was because the color didn't showed up on my eyes
I thought I may have same result considering how similar is the color, but oh man was I wrong
Unlike the Jewel series, even though lens itself appears opaque, when you put it on the small color pigments are so defined which creates that natural appearance!!
I loved the fact how the rim was not too thick either to make it appear more natural!
Enlargement, This lens has normal circle lens size but it definitely gives nice subtle enlargement which is to my liking!
Now that we've looked at the Fay series, let's take a look at something that is great for daily look!
Diameter: 14.8 mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.8 mm
Usage: 1 Year
Price: 23.90 USD
Cafe Mimi comes in 6 different colors and designs:
Cafe Mimi Cappuccino Grey, Cafe Mimi Cappuccino Brown, Cafe Mimi Cappuccino Pink. Cafe Mimi Latte, Cafe Mimi Macchiato, Cafe Mimi Waffle

Comfort: ☆★★★★ / ★★★★★
Color: ☆☆★★★ / ★★★★★
Design: ☆★★★★ / ★★★★★
Enlargement: ★★★★★ / ★★★★★
Comfort, I don't know if I was self conscious about how this lens is designed or it's because of my past bad experience of same series, but I cannot help with the feeling how its slightly uncomfortable when I try on Cafe Mimi series
I know I have very sensitive eyes and usually something that has huge rim for some reason irritates my eyes so much
Color, To be honest I expected the colors to appear more lightly cause it appeared to be quite light
But considering how it has solid color on the design, colored kind of faded out from my dark colored eyes
I mean it doesn't look too bad for the natural appearance, but I would have liked it alot if it was slightly more vibrant on dark eyes
Design, I'm not gonna like I do love the how Cafe Mimi Macchiato is designed
I don't know if it's just me or what, but whenever I look at it, it reminds me of sweet treats!!
I thought it was interesting how they mixed reddish brown and caramel color to create the base color and place random black dots around
I think it was very clever design, but it's unfortunate that it doesn't appear well on the dark eyes...
Enlargement, As you can see in the photo, this particular lens has really thick rim (which is not my personal liking as much)
But because of how thick the rim is, it gives that nice dolly eye effect and make your eyes appear really big!!
It definitely gets good points on the enlargement for sure!!
Comfort, I don't know if I was self conscious about how this lens is designed or it's because of my past bad experience of same series, but I cannot help with the feeling how its slightly uncomfortable when I try on Cafe Mimi series
I know I have very sensitive eyes and usually something that has huge rim for some reason irritates my eyes so much
Color, To be honest I expected the colors to appear more lightly cause it appeared to be quite light
But considering how it has solid color on the design, colored kind of faded out from my dark colored eyes
I mean it doesn't look too bad for the natural appearance, but I would have liked it alot if it was slightly more vibrant on dark eyes
Design, I'm not gonna like I do love the how Cafe Mimi Macchiato is designed
I don't know if it's just me or what, but whenever I look at it, it reminds me of sweet treats!!
I thought it was interesting how they mixed reddish brown and caramel color to create the base color and place random black dots around
I think it was very clever design, but it's unfortunate that it doesn't appear well on the dark eyes...
Enlargement, As you can see in the photo, this particular lens has really thick rim (which is not my personal liking as much)
But because of how thick the rim is, it gives that nice dolly eye effect and make your eyes appear really big!!
It definitely gets good points on the enlargement for sure!!
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