Thursday, August 21, 2014

(Review ★) Etude House My Lash Serum

Hello everyone~
Sorry that there was no post on my Blog and YouTube last week!
I have been so busy with my work, since all the students are coming back for another year at college
I basically had no time to make post or edit video

But I am back with some interesting product that I have been meaning to post about~!
It is Etude House My Lash Serum~!

This product is suppose to promote growth for you eyelahses
Since I have trouble with false eyelashes sometimes, I thought I need some supplement to help my lashes to get longer and more fuller!
This will take sometime and effort on putting it on everyday to make it work
But in the end, I thought it worked really well for me


As you can see this product is clear with yellowish tint from it
This product contains Panthenol and Dogwood Berry extract, to help strengthen and make your lashes shinny!
Panthenol is used in shampoo and conditioners to promote that extra shine and boost for your hair

As you can see on the picture, be sure to check for the production date on the barcode, before using it

Opening of this has rubber stopper for it, so it allows you to have more control in, when it comes to how much product is on the brush

This one has nice thin mascara type brush, which will give even application of the serum all over your eyelahses!


For application, they always recommend it using before you going to bed
Since this is very watery formula, there is a chance of product getting into your eyes,
that is why they want to be sure you will close your eyes at all time, right after you use this!

So be sure to apply it right before you go to bed okay??

Application of this product is really simple, you basically apply it as if you are putting on mascara
Use zig-zag motion for even application for all of your eyelashes

I took picture of my lashes from 1 week before and 1 week after
As you can see, after 1 week of using this product, my lashes became little bit more longer
I am not exactly sure if it made my lashes and fuller, but you can definitely tell that it is longer than before

Result may be different in each individual
It may take longer for you to see the result, or short like me
But this does seem to give that little more extra boost for my eyes personally
And if you'd like to show little love to your lashes, this is the product for you!

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