Thursday, August 28, 2014

(Review ★) G&G BT03 and Barrel Style Contact Lens Cleaner [SPONSORED by LoveShoppingholics]

Hello everyone~
I have been meaning to do this review as well!
And I have been so caught up and couldn't keep track of where my pictures went, it took me awhile to do this sponsored review from lovely LoveShoppingholics!!

They sent me this amazing G&G BT03 Brown lens along with Barrel style contact lens cleaner to do review on quite some time ago, and I finally got around doing it!

If you have not checked out LoveShoppingholics yet, you guys are missing out
because they have such an amazing products including variety of circle lenses, cosmetics, and false lashes!!
Be sure to check out their website!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

(Review ★) Etude House My Lash Serum

Hello everyone~
Sorry that there was no post on my Blog and YouTube last week!
I have been so busy with my work, since all the students are coming back for another year at college
I basically had no time to make post or edit video

But I am back with some interesting product that I have been meaning to post about~!
It is Etude House My Lash Serum~!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

(Review ★) Etude House Wonder Pore Sets

Hello, everyone
Today I have review of Etude House Wonder Pore Set : Whipping Foaming, Freshner, ad the Brush
Now, since I have been having troubles with bit of oily skin due to the summer weather,
I have been looking for some good cleanser which will prevent my skin from getting itchy and oily
And I heard some marvelous rumors about Wonder Pore from Etude House, so I purchased this to try it out

There are other products from this series, which I am hoping to review in the future

Now if before I get to the review, let's see how many of this applies to you

1. Your skin get itchy for no reason
2. You're having skin troubles out of no where
3. Increase of sebum secretion
4. Your pore is getting bigger

If any of this applies to you, this is the product for you!

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