Hello all my beautyholics!
Today, I thought this was really important review for base make-up
Let's get with my review for couple of sunscreen from Etude House
I don't know if many people are aware of this, but when it comes to base make-up
using sunscreen is very important
I am not going to lie, that I like to skip applying sunscreen cause I can be very lazy
But applying sunscreen before you put any foundation on is important step to take in order to protect your skin from sunlight!
I know foundation, BB cream, CC cream and other base make-up in general contains some what sunscreen effect in it
However, we have to keep in mind that these base make-up does not contain much of SPF, which means it cannot protect our skin for a very long time
That is why we need to apply some sunscreen before applying any base make-up to create more protection!
I know many sunscreen in the market are way too heavy and oily to apply it before applying make-up on your skin
Which may cause your make-up to not apply well
That is why I would like to introduce you guys sunscreen from Etude House!
They made Sunprise sunscreen line in order to be applied before applying foundation on your face
This is different from other sunscreen I have tried out and I personally loved it
So now, lets take a look at it!